St. Lucy Flute School

St. Lucy  Flute School
Class of 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please Send Books, Films & More Flutes

Hi Everyone,

A few more things in need out here;

They really need young children's books. Things that are very easy to read. All of them are working on their English and this would help them. Movies can be in either format DVD or VHS.

I am doing extremely well. The sisters feed us well and we are very healthy. I have 19 flute students!!! They are very eager to learn and they love to listen to me play. It is a lot of work so far but these children and adults are very smart and they pick up extremely fast. I am very impressed with their ability to learn so quickly.

Life here is completely different. Everything about it is different. We are in a small village that is out in the middle of no where. If you look on a map of North Eastern Ethiopia there is a mountain range and we are in one of the valleys of the mountains. The hills are filled with fragrant trees and flowers that are in brilliant colors. The air is always warm and filled with this fragrance. It is beautiful. The sky is crystal blue and stretches as far as one can see. The stars at night are breathtaking and my niece and I look at them until our necks are sore.

The days are warm but the nights are cool. We are in the light rain season, so some afternoons we get showers that just pore and sometimes hail. The gardens in the sisters house fill up in minutes with water. But no one complains because it is a blessing to get the rain. If they don't get the rain then their crops will ruin and people will go hungry. These people live by their crops, small herds of livestock, and chickens.

People live in small brick buildings no bigger than a bathroom, one door for entrance, no windows, and no toilet. They hike for miles to get to the river to get water. You see small children along the roads shepherding their flocks of goats, sheeps, cows and camels. I have seen these little shepherds as young as 4 years old! No kidding-its unbelievable.

Streets are still dirt in Adigrat, but the main road is paved. I think the sisters said they paved the street just last year. Taxis are donkey draw carriages. People in town constantly beg for money or food. Some people are so skinny it hurts to look at them.

I have so much to share it will take forever to get it all in one email. So please keep writing so that I can share with you more. If you don't mind, could you post this to my blog? the internet will not allow me to pull up my blog. I have been sending messages to my husband to post for me. I can't even read if others have left me messages. I am asking for people to please write to my email because this comes up and I can communicate to the outside world. As well, we are having trouble getting the computer to let us download the pictures. We are trying very hard to share with others what we are experiencing. It has been frustrating. We are very spoiled by our broadband availability in the US, our comfortable homes, our supermarkets, and cell phones.
We still need more flutes. I have more students than flutes and I think if we had at least 3 more then not so many would have to share per flute.

We also need alcohol swabs to clean the mouth pieces and make them sanitary for the next player.

I hope to hear from you all soon.

God Bless, Celine

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