March 9th, 2009
I was out shopping for girls clothing today at a children’s outlet store. While browsing, I ran into an old friend who worked at the store. She directed me to find clothing at reasonable prices so that I could get more than just a couple of items. We were talking and she learned I was buying clothes for the girls in Ethiopia. She told me after Christmas the store was going to throw away a large amount of clothes but the company agreed to sell the cloths to the workers at the store for .1 cent each instead of tossing them. A co-worker bought all she could and was going to give them to a local charity until she heard today about the girls in Ethiopia. She gave me all the clothes. We tallied up how much it would have cost to buy these clothes retail and it is over $5,000.00. They are brand new and she gave them to me to bring to the orphanage. What I cannot fit in my suitcase will be shipped. I thought this was wonderful news and I wanted to share with everyone. If you are interested in helping send clothes or other items to this orphanage, please contact me by email and I will give you that information.
God Bless,
One miracle will follow another from God :)