Dear Family and Friends,
What a week I had last week. First we started it with the students performing for the ordination. The bishop told me how amazed he was when he saw and heard the flutes as the procession went up to the alter. Everyone applauded the performance of the flute students.
That after noon I felt really tired. But I figured it was because of waking so early. The flute students had to be at the school by 6am and then in the cathedral by 6:15am.
On Tuesday, again the flute students and i performed for the International School. They did a wonderful job and everyone really loved our performance. We got a tour of the school and the director of the school has asked me about my progam for this school too. I am very excited about this.
Again I felt extreme fatigue. On Wednesday I had a meeting with Seyoum and teacher Gebremedhin about the beginning flute program and the summer program or the continuing students. As I discussed these programs I began to feel very sick. I started to feel abnorally cold. I said I had to leave. I went to my room and began t cry I was feeling so badly. I was freezing which is very unusual for me because here I sweat all the time. I went o bed. My body absolutely ached and I lad there shivering. What's wrong with me? I thought. Withen 2 hours I was sick as a dog. Flat on my back and couldn't move. I ran a temperature of 104.
Previous that week I woke up with my entire left side of my body covered in mosquito bites. Sr. Nigisti and I cleaned my room but there was nothing I could do about it. I thought I had caught ringworm from one of the students as well. I physically hurt from the bites and itched like crazy. I scrathed so hard that I bled.
When I layed in bed I began to think of those bites. Sr. Antonia came into the room and also concerned was wondering if the bites was the cause of my illness. I know that I have never felt so sick in my life. 2 days went by and I was still sick. Sr. Antonia figured it best to get me to a doctor. She took me and I had to sit up (which was the most difficult thing for me to do) and wait for almost 2 hours to see the doctor. When he saw my scars from the bites he immediately ordered a malaria test and checked me for thyphoid. Both came back negative but he said I caught something from the bites. He gave me some medicine and by the next day i started to feel better.
I felt good enough to go and have tea with the teachers. When I came back to the sisters house I went to use the toilet and the pipes broke on me. I was bathed in water. the town of Adigrat had been out of running water into their house for 2 days and the water they did have was now all over the floor. Sr. Antonia began to cry as she saw the water going everywhere. I didn't know what to do. Then I on the way to dinner Sr. Antonia passed out from her high blood pressure. I had Sr. Nigisti of Gola angry with me b/c I wasn't coming to their parents day-even though I have been deathly sick and didn't have a ride to get there she still was mad at me. It seemed like everwhere I turned something went wrong.
This week has been so much better. I feel a lot better. I've lost weight and now I cant keep my pants on me. Today I have my interview with the International School about developing an entire music program here in Adigrat. This makes me very excited. Thi Tuesday I've spent an entire day with Father Selassie. We went to see his family in the village of Erobe. The country side was gorgeous and I had a delightful visit with my favorite priest. the flute students performed for the St. Lucy's parents day and I did too. Parents were extremely happy with my program and came to tell me thank you for bringing so much to St. Lucy's school. I really appreciated their comments as I thought some of them were not happy with me. this was not the case. They are very happy with my program and thanked me immensely for bringing it to their children. I attended the party with the teachers for their end of the semester and I went to my first party with some friends in Adigrat. It's Thursday and I'm currently staying at a hotel while the sisters are on retreat.
Life is always interesting here in Ethiopia. I start my beginners students today and the second year program with my advance students. We are all excited to continue our program and now I'm evern more excited for the potential expansion of my program..
That's it for now. I miss everyone very much. Please keep i touch. I love it so much when I hear from all of you.
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