St. Lucy Flute School

St. Lucy  Flute School
Class of 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,
Here I go again. I'm packing flutes and music for my second tour to St. Lucy's flute school. I wish to thank Cathy and Melanie Templin, Bonnie Blanchard, Keith Curtis, Rose Johnson, Gordon Brown and Bob Frymeyer of Flute Finders for their donations of flutes. My biggest thanks goes to Marilyn First and her friends for their extremely generous donations of flutes and repair of all the flutes that I'm taking this next time around.
This time I'm taking 20 flutes! This is at a total of 29 flutes for the school so far. We are still in need of more flutes though-at least another 11. If you can or know of anyone who can give to this school and the children that would be wonderful. As I have mentioned before your generosity goes a lot further than is imaginable.
I have to say I'm anxious for my return. I cannot wait to see the children, the sisters, my flute students and the teachers. I have made so many friends with all of these people that I consider them to be my second home and family. My only sad part is that my niece will not be able to join me this time around. She is busy studying her photo journalism and working to pay for school. I know that I can speak for everyone in Adigrat that she will be soarly missed and I'm sure all will send her their love. For me, it will be the hardest to go without her. I had such a fantastic time getting to know her. Night after night we stayed up late, editing our blogs, laughing at the days events and discussing lessons plans for the next day. I grew so close with her and I love the bond she and I have now. We still to this day laugh at things that happened on our trip and will give each other glances of our inside jokes that will stay with us for a lifetime. Safia did such a fantastic job writing for my blog and taking pictures that I will seek her help again even though it will be 8,000 miles away.
When I return to St. Lucy's it's going to be a week early. Outside of the sisters no one knows of my early arrival. I plan to surprise everyone, just show up for the morning ceremonies and continue where I left off from my previous visit. I can't wait to see their surprised faces and big smiles. It will be a happy reunion indeed.
This time around I will add English classes for the kindergarten children and spend more time assisting in the general music classes with the Seyoum. I also plan to open up flute schools in Zalaambasa and Sassie too.
If anyone would like to hear about my next trip and its next direction I am giving a presention of it tomorrow at Seattle Pacific University at 2pm in Beegle Hall, room 201. Please go to for directions and for more information about tomorrow's event.
Also, please write to me. I love hearing from everyone while I'm over there. I will do my best to post pictures but if I run into same trouble as we did the first time then I know y'all will understand and upon my return another slew of pictures will be posted.
For now, I leave you with all my love and send everyone my very best.
Love to all and God Bless You,
Celine-Marie Ferland

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